Dboys Kar 98 Airsoft Review

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Tanaka Kar 98 Airsoft Gun

Dboys Kar 98 Airsoft Review

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Hey guys, I've been getting into German WW2 airsoft recently and am looking at different weapons to get, like an STG 44, MP40, Kar98K, Gewehr 43, etc. pretty much anything German. I'm just about to buy an AGM MG42, so I got that going for me, but kind of want a bolt action rifle too, preferably to suit a sniper role (as bolt actions are usually for, unless you're a CoDsofter in which case you're an xx pr01337 Qu1cK5C0P3R xx). I really like the Kar98K, but am unfamiliar with bolt action rifles when it comes to airsoft and have no idea what I'm looking for, so I'm turning to the airsoft community for assistance. Basically, that was a really long way of saying 'What Kar98K should I get for a sniping role?' Second question, do you know of any good scopes (WW2 German style, obviously) which will fit with this (aesthetics-wise)? +1 for the PPS K98k, although even with its adjustable power I'm not sure you're going to find it consistent enough to use as a sniper rifle.

If you are really serious about sniping, you could look at investing a further $200 into tapping the magazine for an onboard CO2 regulator, which would make it much more consistent, though. Find 's review. You can also look into the rather cool long-eye-relief Zeiss ZF41 scope, available from Viva Arms and available in a rather different-looking model from G&G as the. Do NOT buy the shell-ejecting (DBoys) Kar98k, it's just horrible. I'd say the G&G G980 is inferior to the PPS, and the Tanaka that the PPS is basically cloned from is much, much more expensive. So take the PPS. The G&G G980, much like G&G's G960, is basically a lightly-modified clone of a Tanaka gun (Kar98k and M700 AICS respectively).

Dboys M4a1

Unlike the PPS I believe it is just different enough to not be Tanaka-compatible (the same problem afflicts the G960) in various ways. The key problem you will have with the G980 is that it's almost impossible to adjust its power. That's OK if all you want it to do is go bang when you pull the trigger, but it renders the gun utterly useless as a sniper rifle, for which consistency and predictability is everything.

A truly great sniper rifle will have a maximum of ±1fps deviance; a good one not more than ±3fps. As demonstrates, the G980 is more like ± 50fps; I cannot state this too plainly - as stock, the G980 will be a truly shitty sniper rifle. The other problem you'll encounter is different sites' differing muzzle energy rules for sniper rifles; with no way to adjust the power, you're either going to be unable to use the full extent of the allowance or unable to use the gun at all. The PPS won't necessarily be much better when it comes to consistency, but it will at least allow you to adjust the power (I assume via a clone of the old Tanaka PCS bolt) to compensate for changes in ambient temperature and site limits.

As I said in my other comment, the only real solution to the above problems is a remote, regulated gas supply. You can get such things for about £125ish all in (though they would need custom installation into the G980's stock to be hidden) and they would suit the G980, which can be reloaded 'stripper-clip style' without removing the magazine, peculiarly well.

You can certainly pew at people, provided your gun doesn't wildly exceed the muzzle energy limits of your site. I can all-but guarantee you won't hit any of them, though - I have a G&G G960 (awaiting a total reengineering, currently still stock) and it has substantially less range and accuracy than the average TM HiCapa, despite putting out over 625fps on hot days. That means that I can't use it anywhere when it's warm, and even if I could, I can't hit anything with it except at point-blank range, which is within my MED and therefore not allowed either. I strongly suggest that if tech work is not your strong suite, you either pay someone whose strong suite it is (PM me if you want recommendations in the UK) to fit and to the G&G, giving you ±1-3fps consistency adjustable to meet site limits, or you buy the PPS and learn to use the NPAS it's fitted with. Otherwise what you will have is an expensive rifle that you can't use because it's overpowered (CO2 magazines) or an expensive rifle that you can't use because it's wildly inconsistent (liquid-refill magazines).