Employee Recognition Programs Infosys

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How is the Accenture service’s employee reward/recognition program as compared to Infosys. Employee recognition program. Accenture Reward Management System. Other Employee Reviews for Infosys. It's good place for fresher's. Slow growth, Proper employee recognition program not in place.

After a decade in this organisation, while I can reel off the practices that are espoused here (with a passion seldom seen elsewhere) without breaking stride, I still believe that the culture of this company is not just because of these practices - it's above and beyond it. The culture is like a living, breathing entity, with a life of its own, infusing all Infoscions with its uniquearoma. Like Louis Gerstner said, I realized 'culture isn't just one aspect of the game, it's the game.'

Also Read: It would be nothing less than daunting to try and encapsulate the Infosys 'way of life'. A list of any number of interventions that make the company and its people tick would be just skimming the top. The USP of the overall philosophy is the hi-tech, hi-touch approach that is employed - the company has a set of best interventions at almost all touch points of the employee life cycle, and specific business units have the freedom to customise, add, edit as long as they do not contradict the essence of the InfyWay. Consider a few: The Red Carpet Every quarter the company rolls out the virtual Red Carpet, a programme where potential new hires are invited to the campus, walked through some of the key policies and programs, given a window into the specific business unit/service line they would be joining, taken to lunch and a campus tour and presented with a small company memento. Given the size and scale of the Company, this is a challenging task to execute, but the incredulous satisfaction of future Infoscions makes it worth the while.

Milestones A loyal and long serving employee is an asset to any organization. But how do you motivate the person? Money goes only so far. At Infosys, an employee who completes a particular milestone gets a beautifully packaged gift box which has a certificate signed by the CEO, a memento and two memorable 'experiences'.

Taking this a step further, many business units even send congratulatory letters to families for employees who get promoted or undergo any significant life event at the workplace. Return2Work A key disengager for most back-to-work employees who come back after a hiatus is that of feeling engaged with work. The issue is both on account of availability/requirement at work and also obsoleteness of skills. It's a double jeopardy to have a skilled and competent employee without work; at the same time the organisation loses out on precious productivity. A key intervention at Infosys is to track the employees coming back from long leave, connect with them, ensure they are allocated to work as soon as possible and enable them on training they may need to come up to speed at work. The Power of 10 Managers are key for any setup where work gets delivered primarily through teams.

Realising that, there is a separate initiative to motivate and recognise Managers. Managers who score high on team feedback are rewarded and recognised as Best Managers. Similarly Managers who have proved themselves as great coaches are highlighted as role models to the rest of the Manager Community. Also Read: Coaching workshops are held to enable managers to pick up coaching skills and apply them in team situations. The exercise is premised on the concept of The Power of 10 - assuming an average project team size is of 10 employees, if the managers of such teams of 10 each can motivate and coach his or her 10 people, the power of 10 would amplify and positively impact the whole organization. INSTA Reward works when it is instant.

Flengine.dll 8 crack. But in an organization with close to a two lakh headcount, what kind of model can one have which enables instant recognition, is standard across business verticals and locations, easy to manage, manager-driven and scalable across large numbers? We cracked this at Infosys! There is an app that allows managers and peers to nominate someone in the team for good work with a small citation. There is a digital certificate and redeemable points which get sent out to the awardee immediately, followed by an actual certificate. And it happens seamlessly across all 9 locations in India, across business verticals, horizontals and business enabling functions alike. Samaritans Like any organization committed to people practices, Infosys also has formal and informal grievance redressal mechanisms.

Infosys Employee Benefits

But we realized long ago that it is never enough. Most issues that plague an employee today could be either professional or personal, brought on by work, social pressures, family-related and relationship-related strains. And while each location has a counsellor, the organization wanted to leverage the by-the-employee & for-the-employee format to address this sensitive and vulnerable matter. Samaritans is a very unique intervention where carefully chosen Infoscions are trained on the art of counselling. These employees then are positioned as samaritans for employees to reach out to. PowerTeams Training while being on the run has multiple challenges.

One, you do it while working full time and so the capsule has to be condensed; two, in an industry like ours, individual training can go only so far because most work gets delivered by teams; three, most employees are not too interested to listen to theory; and manager is key to any team training. One training module that addresses all these is the Power Teams training at Infosys. It comprises 3 modules: Leadership Training; Project Mission which works to establish a sense of shared purpose for newly formed teams and Team Effectiveness.

Sample employee recognition programs

There is a governance mechanism that falls into place 4 weeks after the training, that ensures that action items generated are worked upon, and the loop closed. Taken together, the 3 modules address a complete end to end requirement for any group in a team setting. HALE Health Assessment and Lifestyle Enrichment, one of the earliest employee health initiatives, was incubated when health for most organizations still meant just the mandatory annual health check-up. HALE, as the name suggests, is a complete initiative aimed at physical, mental and lifestyle enrichment.

Shrm Employee Recognition Programs

The annual health check and quarterly health camps are just the start of it, the program encompasses Hobby Clubs, Counselling Support, Weekend Health Camps for Families etc. It's one of the most employee friendly and supportive programs in the organisation. The above is but a vignette of what makes Infosys a much-loved workplace. People practices form the warp and woof of the Infosys culture. The best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari says in his book Sapiens, 'culture obliges people to realize some possibilities while forbidding others'. At Infosys however the endeavor has been to push the culture-envelope and enlarge this realm of possibilities to its most optimal extent possible. This article is written by Bobby Patnaik, who is Manager (employee relations) at Infosys.