Xcelsius Dashboard Templates

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  1. Sap Business Objects Xcelsius

Project/Contest Description Bids/Entries Skills Started Ends Price (USD) We are a growth startup that has recently acquired a company's technology which includes a functional mobile iOS application written in swift as well as a web dashboard written in php. We are seeking an experienced freelancer familiar with php and swift who can help us take out features, improve features, and add features to both the mobile application as well as the web dashboard. 82, Feb 7, 2018 Feb 7, 2018 3d 12h $34 Feb 7, 2018 Feb 7, 2018 2d 18h Project Dashboard for the City Energy Analyst Toolbox (CEA). (url removed, login to view) Background The CEA is a COLLECTION OF TOOLS of energy demand in buildings at the city scale.

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I have been thinking about creating a tag cloud in Xcelsius for some time. I had tried the Web 2.0 add-on, but it was never officially released for production and I. Ever wonder where you can find some of the best Xcelsius templates on the web? Well look no further. Below we list and review the top 10 Xcelsius template. Here is the full collection of Xcelsius templates from this blog which date all the way back to 2008. You can always access the templates using the top.

The software is open source and entirely built in python. The inputs of the software are a series of shapefiles (.shp), tif files (.tif) and dBAse (.dbf) The outputs of CEA are time-series data with inte. 33, Feb 7, 2018 Feb 7, 2018 2d 17h $3307 A dashboard build similar to url removed, login to view Link is send by email to approve content and calendar is kept for organization 34, Feb 6, 2018 Feb 6, 2018 2d 8h $526 I need a power bi custom visual to show a the performance of KPIs of a large amount of companies. It's not necessary to show the value, but the kpi need to show a colored icon. The attached image can shoe exactly what I need.

The icons can be presented in only 5 levels of colors like blue, green, yellow, red and black and I the user can define the criteria of a color (like values greater than. 14, Feb 4, 2018 Feb 4, 2018 1h 23m $144 Build a dashboard with 1 table for the data, 1 line graph using time series and one bi-axial stacked bar graph using Reahchart in ReactJS.

Data needs to come dynamically from background, no hard-coded data. Rest of the information will be provided once we start. 15, Feb 3, 2018 Feb 3, 2018 Ended $65 i need a dashboard design for my school software, i already have a software and dashboard design, but i need to neat clean responsive design in bootstrap html with professional look and feel, i don't need anyone copy from any theme selling website.

Only person having experience in web design should bid. 42, Feb 1, 2018 Feb 1, 2018 Ended $113 I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed for Linux using Python. 5, Jan 31, 2018 Jan 31, 2018 Ended $2013 Dear All, We work with url removed, login to view to extract multiple datas to our server. We are looking for a dev & designer to build a Dashboard to display the datas. We want to add filters menus to the results and then some others features. Contact us now.


Kind regards, Arnaud 52, Jan 29, 2018 Jan 29, 2018 Ended $4862 SOME ALERTS LIVE SCANNING FROM A LIVE DATA FEED STOCK MARKET 5, Jan 27, 2018 Jan 27, 2018 Ended $27 Part A: For each of the below, in addition to your answer, provide the dashboard page where you found it. For 1-4, use the dashboard at: url removed, login to view doctors-scorecard/ 1) Has Dr. May’s wait time been improving over time? 2) Which doctor saw the highest percentage of women patients in September? 3) Which two doctors have offices next to Dr. Davis’s office?

4) Which doct. 25, Jan 24, 2018 Jan 24, 2018 Ended $54 Dashboard,Report, Dynamic Dashboard used Power BI, MSBI, MS Azure, SQL. 6, Jan 23, 2018 Jan 23, 2018 Ended $432 Hi, We need a trading UI Built. Security is important so please follow the specifications below The website template should have the following features url removed, login to view specifications: Html5, Css3, Bootstrap ( 3 or 4 ) Grid System, jQuery, 2.

Responsive design 320px (mobile ), 768px(tablet), 1024px Desktop 3. Supports all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari). 57, Jan 19, 2018 Jan 19, 2018 Ended $1917, Jan 18, 2018 Jan 18, 2018 Ended We would like assistance in designing a client facing QlikSense dashboard that can allow reporting from multiple databases and reports. We use ProLease, Costar, Salesforce. QlikView 9, Jan 16, 2018 Jan 16, 2018 Ended $474 Hi there, We're looking for a well qualified chart expert for url removed, login to view adjustments in our Vue + Vuex application. You should have a good experience in d3 (or even better in url removed, login to view) and charts development for front-end applications, especially dashboard.

Sap Business Objects Xcelsius

How do you feel is your experience in d3.js? And chart development in common for js? 22, Jan 11, 2018 Today Ended $34 Hello, we are transportation company looking for Power Pivot expert to fulfill needs of our customer. We will need to develop dashboard presentation in MS Office Excel using Power Pivot.


Source data/calculations we will made on our side, we need just the 'frontend' with nice UI. I will send you the specification once NDA is signed. I would appreciate some examples of your prior work.

20, Jan 8, 2018 Jan 8, 2018 Ended $166 We need developed the ability to show a live data feed showing the following between RepairShopR (url removed, login to view) and Deputy (url removed, login to view) We want the following: 1) Show total income for current day (from RS) 2) Show total labor cost for current day (from Deputy) 3) Show graph that compares the two, displays red if cost is higher or green if lower 4) Same. 5, Jan 5, 2018 Jan 5, 2018 Ended $155 I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed for Windows. I am looking for a dashboard to manage multiple eddy stone proximity marketing beacons.

I want to offer it to my customers 5, Jan 2, 2018 Jan 2, 2018 Ended $175 We need a screendesign for a dashboard including basic navigational icons. The screendesign is an adaption based on already existing dashboards.

Topics of the icons are fix, the way the topic is expressed is flexible. (for a first imperrsion see url removed, login to view) Deliverables: - design of header section (jpeg or equivalent) - design of two result sections (jpeg or equivalent) - d. 32, Dec 28, 2017 Dec 28, 2017 Ended $643.

. With Xcelsius you can deploy dashboards using the Adobe Flash format.swf into your application server, however if you need to embed these dashboards in your presentations then it may not seem straighforward. Here we will show you how to embed XCelsius Dashboard in PowerPoint 2010 using the Shockwave component. You can embed XCelsius Dashboards into your PowerPoint presentations for the next meeting or online remote presentation. This way you don’t need to switch from PowerPoint to the browser or exit your presentation any time that the CEO want to check how the dashboard look in the projector screen. You can simply start the presentation and embed the Flash into the PowerPoint slide using the.swf format. This way, you will insert the dashboard in the slide deck.

First, add the developer toolbar to PowerPoint ribbon. This can be added using the instructions we have previously mentioned for developers (see more in ). Then, insert a new control by clicking the More Controls menu. This button will display a dialog with the available controls in your computer.

Here, make sure to choose Shockwave Flash Object to insert a playable Flash movie. Click OK and then a new placeholder will be shown in the slide.

Now, right click to open the menu and click Properties. Then a new window will appear and look for Movie. Here, insert the url to the dashboard that is published in the application server or any other place. For example, you can embed the following dashboard with maps in a PowerPoint presentation.

If you need to show the dashboard full screen then make sure to change the dimensions of the Flash movie in the PowerPoint template or presentation. In order to run and see your dashboard in the PowerPoint presentation, you need to start the slideshow (you can press F5 to start it). Unless you need to run the dashboard in full screen mode, you can also use a, as we showed in the previous article.

This can be really useful for business intelligence dashboards that will be presented in an online meeting or sharing the screen with other participants. You can create your own custom dashboards using XCelsius from SAP to fit your business needs across every industry and every organization. You can find lot of free dashboard samples that you can use in PowerPoint presentations for example in the SAP website. This article explained how to Embed XCelsius Dashboard in PowerPoint 2010 using Adobe Flash. We hope this article help you to avoid relying in your department when you need to insert your dashboards in PowerPoint. You can also check our and backgrounds, or learn how to create dashboards using shapes and PowerPoint graphics.

Related Posts. Tableau Software is a free business intelligence and analytics software that you can use to make awesome dashboards and reports for your company and products. If you need to share presentations using custom fonts then you need to make sure the host computer will have this font installed, otherwise the. Digital movies that use the QuickTime technology (.mov videos) can be inserted into PowerPoint presentations as well as Apple Keynote presentations. During a presentation, the. This can sound unusual for example if we try to find applications but if we want to embed a Video into a PDF document there.

Some presentations require to show a video and YouTube can be very useful to upload your own videos or play existing videos that other people.